Our Studio Visit With Elvis Photographer Alfred Wertheimer
Alfred Wertheimer's intimate and candid early portraits of Elvis Presley justly earned his legacy as one of pop culture's most important fine art photographers. On a visit in July with the late...
View ArticleConfessions of a Serial Songwriter: iPhone Wrist
As songwriter moms we all know how important it is to stay connected, save our ideas, self promote and get from one point to another (a demo session to a teacher's conference for example) with the...
View ArticleSilence Is Speaking... Will We Listen?
As much as society tells me noise is more golden than silence; silence still whispers mystery to my mind and heart. I'm continually engulfed in modern day life with beeps, vibrations, commercials,...
View ArticleRushing Into the New Season: Cultural and Charitable Catch-Up
The new season has begun -- and with it a rush of exciting cultural, charitable and social events. The challenge -- that "clone problem," wishing we could be in multiple locations simultaneously. The...
View ArticleWoodstock Film Festival Showcases Edgy Indie Fare
The 15th annual Woodstock Film Festival wrapped Sunday and an Irish film, Patrick's Day, about a love affair between a heavily medicated schizophrenic and a suicidal flight attendant, won a trio of top...
View ArticleExpect the Unexpected
Like many people, I look forward to certain consistencies in life. Since moving to San Francisco in 1972, certain culinary treats became such personal favorites that I inevitably ordered them whenever...
View ArticleReThink Review: Dear White People -- Lessons for Republicans and the...
A lot of people interested in race issues (including myself) have been eagerly awaiting the arrival of Dear White People, a film about a group of black students at a mostly white university that was...
View ArticleThe Light In the Cave: Vasudeo S. Gaitonde and His Painted Perceptions Shine...
V. S. Gaitonde: Painting as Process, Painting as Life will be on view at The Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum in New York from October 24, 2014-February 11, 2015. For details consult the museum website....
View ArticleHow to Get Your News From Poems
I came to journalism by way of poetry. For a long time, poems were my workshop. Through poetry I experimented with language, learned how to make meaning and build empathy. Poetry, like so much good...
View ArticleWith New Album and Book, Kidjo Gives Voice to Women of Africa
A new album, a new book, a special performance at Carnegie Hall. After 40 years in the public eye, the whirlwind that is singer Angelique Kidjo seems to have found a cruising speed that suits her. On...
View ArticleEveryday Sheeple: Alex Gross 'Future Tense' at Jonathan Levine Gallery
Shopaholics, Oil on Canvas, 37 x 37 inches Every now and then, artist Alex Gross surprises someone by telling them that yes, he does own and use an iPhone: he doesn't see himself as being above or...
View ArticleKellesimone Waits on ImageBlog
Another current series that I’m meaning to get back into but I’m just so distracted by those girls and airplanes right now! Fly Ballet gouache and colored pencil on watercolor paper 15”x22” 2013...
View ArticleHere Comes the Judge
In an Op-Ed piece entitled "The Good Order," (NYT, 9/25/14), David Brooks bridges the gap between international and individual order, in comparing the discipline of creation to that of a superpower's...
View Article5 Pro Tricks for Awesome Vacation Food Photos
By Martha Williams for the Orbitz blog Whether you're feasting on roast pheasant at a classic Parisian bistro or snacking on grilled cuy high in the Andes, your meals are as much a part of your...
View ArticleWendy Whelan's Farewell Performance at NYCB Featured 'After the Rain' Pas de...
Tears, flowers and an outpouring of love accompanied Wendy Whelan's farewell performance at the New York City Ballet on Saturday, October 18. Sadly, I was not able to attend, but I heard from friends...
View ArticlePolitical Undertones and Calls to Action at Judaica Museum's Fall Exhibit
If a picture is worth one thousand words, a political poster with a call to action is worth so much more. The Herbert and Eileen Bernard Museum of Judaica recently announced the extension of its fall...
View ArticleLincoln Center: White Light Festival, How Like an Angel
Review: "How Like an Angel" Lincoln Center is currently in the throes of shedding light on New York City with their magical white light festival. Their international line up of diverse programming...
View ArticleDon't Ignore the Banks for the Stream
No hay mal que por bien no venga Translation: There is no bad from which some good doesn't result. Transcreation: The bitterest trials are often blessings in disguise. Jim Estrada uses this popular...
View ArticleStage Door: On The Town
New York, New York is a hellava town. Just ask Bernstein, Comden and Green, who fashioned a zippy tribute to 24 hours in the Big Apple, based on a ballet by Jerome Robbins. The Broadway revival of the...
View ArticleNorman Lear: An Appreciation
Norman Lear is a comic poet on the order of the Greeks who, just our luck, came of age at the dawn of the television era. In another time he would have been perhaps Aristophanes or Voltaire, or Swift...
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