"The Shop follows the day-to-day life of Louis, its one and only clerk. His daily interactions with the regular and one-time customers often resembles group therapy mixed with a southern revival. Freaks, geeks, enthusiasts, and tools, Lewis not only sells music, but often solves the world's problems... in theory, anyway." --Chris Pomeroy
The Record Shop, Anytown, USA
Shopper with glasses enters the store, rummages through the used record bin.
Dude, sitting at counter, reading Life: A User's Manual, by Georges Perec.
Shopper: Do you have this song by Dean Martin on LP? I can't remember the name of it.
Dude: We can take a look.
A few minutes later..
Dude: Nope...but I can order it for you.
Shopper: I really love this song, it might be my favorite song of all time, but I want it on vinyl. But I can't take my record player out for a run."
Dude: Well...why don't you get the CD now...that way you can have it for your DiscMan, so you can take it running. I can order the record for you so you can have it for those sweet cocktail parties you must be throwing.
Shopper: That's a great idea. Thanks, man.
Dude: Sure. No problem.
The Record Shop, Anytown, USA
Shopper with glasses enters the store, rummages through the used record bin.
Dude, sitting at counter, reading Life: A User's Manual, by Georges Perec.
Shopper: Do you have this song by Dean Martin on LP? I can't remember the name of it.
Dude: We can take a look.
A few minutes later..
Dude: Nope...but I can order it for you.
Shopper: I really love this song, it might be my favorite song of all time, but I want it on vinyl. But I can't take my record player out for a run."
Dude: Well...why don't you get the CD now...that way you can have it for your DiscMan, so you can take it running. I can order the record for you so you can have it for those sweet cocktail parties you must be throwing.
Shopper: That's a great idea. Thanks, man.
Dude: Sure. No problem.