This short video relates the story of a "lost boy," Zachariah Char, who returned to South Sudan in December to build a medical clinic honoring his father and mother. Two days before he was to travel to his home village, violence broke out in Juba. On December 18, he was evacuated from South Sudan by the U.S. government. In this brief Op-Doc, Zachariah speaks movingly as to how these events have preempted the realization of his "dream."
Zachariah was the subject of a recent award-winning documentary I produced and directed, Lost Boy Home, that premiered at the Palm Beach International Film Festival. Involved in this project was award-winning cinematographer Tom Hurwitz (Queen of Versailles), Grammy-award winning composer Marcus Hummon, and Executive Producer Liesel Litzenburger Meijer. The film was narrated by Sam Waterston.
Zachariah was the subject of a recent award-winning documentary I produced and directed, Lost Boy Home, that premiered at the Palm Beach International Film Festival. Involved in this project was award-winning cinematographer Tom Hurwitz (Queen of Versailles), Grammy-award winning composer Marcus Hummon, and Executive Producer Liesel Litzenburger Meijer. The film was narrated by Sam Waterston.
Lost Boy Home - Op-Doc from Mark Elliott on Vimeo.