"¡Hola Kitty!" is an upcoming production by Brazilian filmmaker Daniel Burity. The film was shot in New York City, mainly in Times Square, and addresses the challenges faced by undocumented immigrants in the U.S.
The main subject is an immigrant who survives working as a Hello Kitty character. Never revealing who is behind the mask, Daniel creates a metaphor for faceless immigrants working in the shadows of American society. With this documentary, Daniel addresses a topic of major interest in today's society, the blending of social commentary and pop culture. "¡Hola Kitty!" is scheduled for release in December 2014.
Daniel began his career at age 22 working in the Brazilian television industry, writing, directing and editing cultural programs. Since 2007, he has divided his time between Brazil and New York. He is the winner of the 2013 Press Awards in the best video category for his documentary "Apple Sounds", which is about independent musicians from New York. The documentary was also screened in Tokyo at the 2013 Video Fest and has won praise from acclaimed French director, Michel Gondry.
I hope you enjoy this interview with Daniel.
The main subject is an immigrant who survives working as a Hello Kitty character. Never revealing who is behind the mask, Daniel creates a metaphor for faceless immigrants working in the shadows of American society. With this documentary, Daniel addresses a topic of major interest in today's society, the blending of social commentary and pop culture. "¡Hola Kitty!" is scheduled for release in December 2014.
Daniel began his career at age 22 working in the Brazilian television industry, writing, directing and editing cultural programs. Since 2007, he has divided his time between Brazil and New York. He is the winner of the 2013 Press Awards in the best video category for his documentary "Apple Sounds", which is about independent musicians from New York. The documentary was also screened in Tokyo at the 2013 Video Fest and has won praise from acclaimed French director, Michel Gondry.
I hope you enjoy this interview with Daniel.
href="http://vimeo.com/110997913">A conversation with Daniel Burity from Daniel Burity on Vimeo.