This is Week 9 of my daily drawing/collage series, метаморфоза (Metamorphosis.) I hope you enjoy it.
метаморфоза is a daily drawing project, a visual trajectory, generated through free association. Its themes, as they emerge, are continually abstracted through a metamorphosis over a period of one year. Just as the prefix "meta" indicates a concept which is an abstraction of another concept, I plan to use the series as a resource or visual language that can then be further abstracted into a selection of larger and more finalized works.
Join me here as I post every Friday the results of the previous week. You can also see an archive of all the images leading up to today's post. Just follow my tumblr, Facebook, or Instagram.
метаморфоза 52
метаморфоза 53
метаморфоза 54
метаморфоза 55
метаморфоза 56
метаморфоза 57
метаморфоза 58
Check out previous posts from this series here.
метаморфоза is a daily drawing project, a visual trajectory, generated through free association. Its themes, as they emerge, are continually abstracted through a metamorphosis over a period of one year. Just as the prefix "meta" indicates a concept which is an abstraction of another concept, I plan to use the series as a resource or visual language that can then be further abstracted into a selection of larger and more finalized works.
Join me here as I post every Friday the results of the previous week. You can also see an archive of all the images leading up to today's post. Just follow my tumblr, Facebook, or Instagram.
Check out previous posts from this series here.