Nerdrumklanen, a new exhibition of paintings and prints from the members of the Nerdrum School is opening this weekend at Raugland Atelier in Norway. Because the Nerdrum clan represents a philosophy, a way of life, it echos out from the realm of painting and into other areas, like Wildlings descending the wall, there are fans of Nerdrum everywhere. In addition to painters and sculptors, actors, philosophers and musicians also understand that this is a paradigm shift, more than a movement which I have, in the past, erroneously referred to it as in attempts to understand and explain it. It is an alternative way of viewing cultural aesthetics, to the more established modern perspectives that we see around us today. A new paradigm.
Self Portrait as a Baby by Odd Nerdrum
Nerdrum's ongoing tax case in the Nowegian court, which is more of a performance piece than an example of justice, can seem to be all one hears about when it comes to Nerdrum, but behind all of it is the work. We must remember to return to the work, and spend time with it for therein lies the power of painting.
Empty Bed by Anne Herrero
Odd Nerdrum has been taking in students for many decades and now, more than ever, the importance of his his contribution is becoming increasingly apparent. Every time I return to visit with Nerdrum I have the pleasure of meeting diverse and interesting talent. Among the 21 painters who will be exhibiting in Nerdrumklanen are Odd Nerdrum, Jan-Ove Tuv, Turid Spildo, Helene Knoop, Nanne Nyander, Monika Helgesen and myself. Ode S. Nerdrum and Myndin Nerdrum will be making their debut with work in the show.
Compassion by Nanne Nyander
There are many things that make the Nerdrum Clan so appealing to the public and collector's alike. It is in the work as well in the lives of the painters themselves that is so interesting. These painters are dedicated to living full heroic lives and are dedicated to expressing themselves with paint in grand fashion. Brilliance attracts brilliance.
Trinity by Helene Knoop
When one imagines a group of artists gathered together around the fireplace in Paris drinking wine and talking expressively after a full day of painting, when one sees a group of friends huddled together gazing out across toward the open sea from the rocks after a swim, when one imagines a group of creative individuals feeding off of each other, pushing each other to develop in positive ways, each of them working toward the same lofty goal of painting a masterwork, then one need only to look to the Nerdrum Clan to find the real thing.
Portrait of the Painter Luke Hillestad by Turid Spildo
The potential of the painters who subscribe to this fresh human aesthetic can easily be seen. The Nerdrum School, a book published in late 2013, showcases the work that is being produced today from this tribe of individuals. In addition to the Nerdrumklanen exhibition currently in Norway, Holdfast has put together the Effigy and Exile exhibition in Minneapolis which is further testament to Nerdrum's growing influence. But Nerdrum's influence, as I said, spills out into the world and people from many walks of life can relate to it and understand it.
Paul C. by Kjetil Jul
Kristofer Hivju is a Norwegian film actor, producer and writer. He starred as Jonas in the Thing and is Tormund Giantsbane in the HBO series Game of Thrones. Giantsbane is a renowned leader and raider among the Free Folk. In real life Hivju is a member of the Nerdrum Clan.
He recently wrote an article on behalf of Odd Nerdrum which appeared in the daily Norwegian newspaper Dagbladet and which expressed a dignified and potentially profitable resolution to what has been described as the Nerdrum Affair. Here are some of the things he says in the article which you can google translate from the original Norwegian if you wish to read more of what Hivju says about the case and about Nerdrum himself.
"Personally, I'm proud of Odd Nerdrum. As proud as I am of Henrik Ibsen, Edvard Munch and Knut Hamsun. And I say this not because I am his friend, but because I am a human being. Whether you want it or not, Odd Nerdrum is a giant in historical context. He is among the greatest painters. Let's meet in a hundred years and see who was right.
Barbaric by Cody LeVon
So instead of chasing him down further, it would be more appropriate to build a large museum where Norwegians and millions of tourists from all corners of the world could take part in his wonderful works.
This trial has already become world history. Because Odd Nerdrum's world history.
Let's end the witch hunt on Nerdrum in a worthy manner, so our grandchildren will not have to be ashamed on our behalf."
That sounds like a brilliant way to resolve this tragic drama.
Clearing by Gunnar Haslund
Meanwhile, let us return to the paintings, the reason for it all, and spend time with them.
Her Outlook by Brandon Kralik
The exhibition NERDRUMKLANEN features 21 painters who have participated in the Nerdrum School and will be open to the public from July 5 until July 27, 2014 at Raugland Atelier in Norway.
Participating in the exhibition, in addition to those I have already mentioned are Kaja Norum, Gunnar Hasland, Kjetil Jul, Trine Mikkelsen, Rikke Knudsen, Anette Stahl, Cody LeVon, Anne Herrero, Kristine Johnsen, Monika Helgesen, Roberto CaLo, Kjaersti Aandahl and Ian Reynolds.
The Nerdum School, with Essay's by Jan Ove Tuv, Richard T. Scott and others is available at Amazon.
Self Portrait in Sunlight by Ian Reynolds
Self Portrait by Monika Helgesen
Nerdrum's ongoing tax case in the Nowegian court, which is more of a performance piece than an example of justice, can seem to be all one hears about when it comes to Nerdrum, but behind all of it is the work. We must remember to return to the work, and spend time with it for therein lies the power of painting.
Odd Nerdrum has been taking in students for many decades and now, more than ever, the importance of his his contribution is becoming increasingly apparent. Every time I return to visit with Nerdrum I have the pleasure of meeting diverse and interesting talent. Among the 21 painters who will be exhibiting in Nerdrumklanen are Odd Nerdrum, Jan-Ove Tuv, Turid Spildo, Helene Knoop, Nanne Nyander, Monika Helgesen and myself. Ode S. Nerdrum and Myndin Nerdrum will be making their debut with work in the show.
There are many things that make the Nerdrum Clan so appealing to the public and collector's alike. It is in the work as well in the lives of the painters themselves that is so interesting. These painters are dedicated to living full heroic lives and are dedicated to expressing themselves with paint in grand fashion. Brilliance attracts brilliance.
When one imagines a group of artists gathered together around the fireplace in Paris drinking wine and talking expressively after a full day of painting, when one sees a group of friends huddled together gazing out across toward the open sea from the rocks after a swim, when one imagines a group of creative individuals feeding off of each other, pushing each other to develop in positive ways, each of them working toward the same lofty goal of painting a masterwork, then one need only to look to the Nerdrum Clan to find the real thing.
The potential of the painters who subscribe to this fresh human aesthetic can easily be seen. The Nerdrum School, a book published in late 2013, showcases the work that is being produced today from this tribe of individuals. In addition to the Nerdrumklanen exhibition currently in Norway, Holdfast has put together the Effigy and Exile exhibition in Minneapolis which is further testament to Nerdrum's growing influence. But Nerdrum's influence, as I said, spills out into the world and people from many walks of life can relate to it and understand it.
Kristofer Hivju is a Norwegian film actor, producer and writer. He starred as Jonas in the Thing and is Tormund Giantsbane in the HBO series Game of Thrones. Giantsbane is a renowned leader and raider among the Free Folk. In real life Hivju is a member of the Nerdrum Clan.
He recently wrote an article on behalf of Odd Nerdrum which appeared in the daily Norwegian newspaper Dagbladet and which expressed a dignified and potentially profitable resolution to what has been described as the Nerdrum Affair. Here are some of the things he says in the article which you can google translate from the original Norwegian if you wish to read more of what Hivju says about the case and about Nerdrum himself.
"Personally, I'm proud of Odd Nerdrum. As proud as I am of Henrik Ibsen, Edvard Munch and Knut Hamsun. And I say this not because I am his friend, but because I am a human being. Whether you want it or not, Odd Nerdrum is a giant in historical context. He is among the greatest painters. Let's meet in a hundred years and see who was right.
So instead of chasing him down further, it would be more appropriate to build a large museum where Norwegians and millions of tourists from all corners of the world could take part in his wonderful works.
This trial has already become world history. Because Odd Nerdrum's world history.
Let's end the witch hunt on Nerdrum in a worthy manner, so our grandchildren will not have to be ashamed on our behalf."
That sounds like a brilliant way to resolve this tragic drama.
Meanwhile, let us return to the paintings, the reason for it all, and spend time with them.
The exhibition NERDRUMKLANEN features 21 painters who have participated in the Nerdrum School and will be open to the public from July 5 until July 27, 2014 at Raugland Atelier in Norway.
Participating in the exhibition, in addition to those I have already mentioned are Kaja Norum, Gunnar Hasland, Kjetil Jul, Trine Mikkelsen, Rikke Knudsen, Anette Stahl, Cody LeVon, Anne Herrero, Kristine Johnsen, Monika Helgesen, Roberto CaLo, Kjaersti Aandahl and Ian Reynolds.
The Nerdum School, with Essay's by Jan Ove Tuv, Richard T. Scott and others is available at Amazon.