It was an honor -- and a huge amount of fun -- to browse through the more than 300 entries that were presented to me as this year's juror for the 25th Annual Juried Show of the Contemporary Arts Center, Las Vegas. After looking over all the images twice, and then sleeping on it, I chose 36 works by 36 artists which I saw in person for the first time last night. The installation looked amazing and the salon-style stacking of works added to the shows feeling of energy and eclecticism. That is just what I wanted the show to feel like: a big loose conversation between contrasting works and approaches.
After spending an hour with the show I chose five works to receive awards. If you have three minutes, this short video will show you the works as you listen to some of my thoughts about them:
The show's organizers tell me that the opening was one of the best attended events they have had in years, but it probably helped that a busload of senior citizens looking for a public restroom pulled up at 8PM. That said, I'm so proud of the artists in this show and enjoyed meeting so many of you. Because the show included artists from across the U.S. only one of the award-winning artists -- Lolita Develay -- was able to attend in person, but to those who couldn't attend, your checks are in the mail...
Two tidbits that stood out: artist Bart Vargas came all the way from Nebraska to attend the opening and Solongo Tseekhuu, a native of Mongolia now living in the Bay Area, explained to me that women are not permitted to become artists in her home country: WOW has she defied that tradition with talent and style!
I hope you will enjoy my photos from the opening, and if you are in Vegas before the show closes on April 25th be sure to drop by before you head to the strip to gamble.
BTW, a huge thank you to the CAC, its board of directors and Matthew Couper and Jo Russ.

The CAC 25th Annual Juried Show: Participating Artists:
Alla Bartoshchuk, Babette Carpenter, Bart Vargas, Betty Shelton, Brendan Getz, Caitlin Karolczak, Carolin Peters, Christopher Kane Taylor, Cynthia Grilli, Dan Hooker, Dana Mano-Flank, Daniel Maidman, David Iacovazzi-Pau, Eric Vozzola, Gig Depio, Grizel S. Herhold, James Bousema, Jeremy Humbert, John Michael Byrd, Kathe Madrigal, Kathy Morton Stanion, Kim Frohsin, Kurt Dyrhaug, Lana Sokoloff, Lolita Develay, Margaret McCann, Maria Zapata, Richard Smukler, Rick Metzler, Robert Bickel, Serena Potter, Shang Ma, Solongo Tseekhuu, Steve Schwartz, Tom Wegrzynowski, William J. Havlicek.
Juror's Awards:
First Prize: Caitlin Karolczak $1,500.00
Second Prize: Kim Frohsin $750.00
Third Prize: Margaret McCann $500.00
Honorable Mention: Lolita Develay $250.00
Honorable Mention: Serena Potter $100.00
The Contemporary Arts Center, Las Vegas
1217 South Main Street
Las Vegas, Nevada 89104